Jennifer Hudson Is Ready to Play Oprah Next

jennifer hudson

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In 2004, a young powerhouse by the name of Jennifer Hudson blew judges away in an audition for Season 3 of American Idol. Her cover of Aretha Franklin’s “Share Your Love with Me” not only stunned viewers nationwide, but grabbed the attention of Franklin herself. Yet it was the Idol alumna’s subsequent Oscar-winning performance in Dreamgirls that earned her the Queen of Soul’s respect. The two developed a close relationship based on undeniable similarities in their life experiences. Hudson was told by Idol judge Simon Cowell that she was “out of her depth” before placing seventh in the competition, but she managed to break through on her own terms. She went on to win an Oscar, a Grammy, and an Emmy—which is certainly one way to prove the naysayers wrong.

Hudson’s grit, determination, and immovable faith impressed Franklin so much, she handpicked her to star in her official biopic. Respect follows the life and legacy of the legendary singer, songwriter, and pianist. The film explores Franklin’s identity beyond the recording booth, her contributions to the civil rights era, and the way her influence transformed a generation. Franklin’s candor on her debilitating struggle with depression, grief, alcoholism, and abuse made her a beacon of healing and an indomitable force for the ages.

I sat down with Hudson at Spago of Beverly Hills. After a brief sip of sparkling water, Hudson speaks candidly on the importance of her latest role, overcoming adversity, and her aspirations for the future.

What was it like working with director Liesl Tommy and such a strong supporting cast?

Amazing! Throughout the entire experience, we formed a family. Our desire to honor Aretha’s legacy brought us all closer together. When any of us were feeling doubtful or afraid of falling short, we had each other to lean on. We collectively understood the pressure surrounding telling such a powerful story. It’s Aretha Franklin and she’s a world treasure and an icon. It was important to handle her story with care.

It’s been quite the journey from your role as Effie White in the musical drama Dreamgirls to your more recent portrayal of Aretha Franklin in the film Respect. Sharp contrast between Effie and Aretha aside, were there similarities between the two that stood out for you?

They’re both ’60s singers, women, artists, vocalists, and mothers who never gave up. That’s what made them so powerful.

Do you feel a personal connection to either of those roles?

The element of music connects us. They were both powerful, strong-willed Black women who found their voice through music. I can definitely relate in that sense.

jennifer hudson live at the apollo

Shahar AzranGetty Images

Like Aretha, you’ve navigated hardship and grief. What is your secret to overcoming adversity?

Just being able to get right back up and move through it. That’s what makes a person unbreakable. There’s also power and substance in telling our stories. Biopics of legends like Aretha Franklin reveal the human behind the legend. You see their adversities, setbacks, the realities they face, and how they prevailed despite it all. You can’t help but be inspired. Telling her story allowed me to pull from my own life experiences and triumphs. I was reminded of how much I’ve overcome.

Would you say that’s why Aretha chose you to portray her in Respect? Perhaps she recognized similar qualities within you?

I believe she truly saw something in me. As an actor, you have to draw from yourself—at least the way I approach the craft. My ability to portray her comes from a real place.

You’ve worked hard throughout your entire career, and those efforts have resulted in Emmy, Grammy, and Oscar wins. Could you see yourself going for—

A Tony?

Yes! Is “EGOT winner” on your list of aspirations?

You know, I would love to achieve that one day. If I’ve come this far, why not go for the T? I do this for the love of the craft. I’m truly passionate about what I do. I’ve been blessed to achieve so much in my life. So if it permits itself for me to have the opportunity to add the T to my EGO, I will.

What would you say to the young person with dreams who may not be readily nurtured by their immediate environment?

Well, for one, anything is possible. If you keep pressing toward your dreams, they have no choice but to give in to you. Don’t let anybody tell you what you can or cannot do. No one knows your potential the way you do. You have to go for it. If you take one step, you’ve got to take another. Don’t let people sidetrack you from those visions, because they’re yours and the ability to manifest them exists within you. It’s as simple as that.

The ’60s were a time of sociopolitical upheaval and turmoil for marginalized communities. Being Black and a woman placed Aretha’s experiences at the intersection of racism and sexism. How would you say her music confronted that reality?

It had to have been painful; the conditions of being a Black woman, singing “Respect” in an era where neither women nor Black people had equal rights. We weren’t even allowed to take up space. “Respect” wasn’t just a song, but an anthem for equality and empowerment.

jennifer hudson aretha franklin

Quantrell D. Colbert

On the subject of empowerment, what advice might you give an up-and-coming musician second-guessing their talent in the absence of accolades?

Aretha put out eight studio albums before she landed a single hit. An artist may think, Oh, you just walk out the door and you’re Aretha Franklin. No. It’s a journey and a process. Even Aretha had to overcome obstacles. Continue working hard and keep believing in yourself.

Respect is such a loaded word, with varying interpretations of what it means. How would you define it?

I sit with this question all the time. When you give respect, you get respect. We live in a day and age where many want it, but few are willing to work for it. Respect is about having your values affirmed while recognizing the value in others. There’s many definitions, but ultimately it’s about how well we communicate with each other.

Are there any upcoming projects you’re able to share with us? What’s next for you?

Playing Aretha Franklin was one of my greatest dreams. I poured so much of myself into Respect, and I’m still taking it all in. This film has become such a huge part of my life. I feel so attached to it and want to make sure it receives the recognition it deserves. I’m just focusing on what’s in front of me for now, and I’ll cross the next bridge when I get to it. I’m really proud of this project.

Once that bridge is crossed, what opportunities might you hope to find on the other side of it?

I’d jump at the chance to play Oprah. I laugh every time I think about it, but I believe anything is possible. Who wouldn’t want to be part of such a powerful story? I would do an Oprah biopic the justice it deserves.

Respect can be streamed on Amazon Prime, iTunes, Google Play, and Vudu.

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Jennifer Hudson Is Ready to Play Oprah Next
Source: Filipino Journal Articles

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