Jason Momoa and His Ex Mack Bonet’s Daughter Zoë Kravitz Had a Telling Instagram Substitute

Announcements of Jason Momoa while Lisa Bonet’s breakup shocked the internet this month, but Momoa and Zoë Kravitz, Bonet’s daughter from her good marriage to Lenny Kravitz, signaled that they remain in close proximity on Instagram.

Momoa shared a new great Instagram post documenting well recognized excitement for Zoë’s act as Catwoman in the latest Batman film starring Robert Pattinson . Liked regrammed the film’s locandina and wrote, “so full of pride. can’t wait. march 4th seriously like u zozo. ” Zoë commented, “i love youuuuuuuuuu @prideofgypsies”

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zoë kravitz and as well jason momoa's instagram conversation


Momoa and Bonet announced their breakup immediately after 16 years together attests joint statement this month. These folks wrote:

We have all felt this squeeze and changes of which transformational times… A revolution is without a doubt unfolding ~and our family features no exception… feeling as well as growing from the seismic work day occurring. And so~ We all share our Family news~ In which are parting ways to be able to marriage.

We chunk this not because we clarify it’s newsworthy ~ However, so that~ as we continue our lives we may do so while having dignity and honesty. The love between us carries on, innovating in ways it wishes that should be known and lived. Consumers free each other ~to seem who we are learning to become… Our devotion unwavering to this sacred life & our youngsters. Teaching our Children What’s practical ~ Living the Prayer May Love Prevail ✨ J & L.

Momoa so Bonet have two children alongside one another, Zoë’s half-siblings 14-year-old Lola and 13-year-old Nakoa-Wolf.

As for why many people split, an origin told Us that the the wanted different lifestyles.

“Jason and Mack worked [initially] because they were so numerous, ” the source said. “He was jovial, loud plus the center of attention, and Lisa is always cool, calm, but also subdued. ”

“That energy really led off cause friction because they want to live different lives, ” the insider continued. “Jason wanted to travel and adventure much more. Lisa, she would really read, write poetry, plus cook at home. ”

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Jason Momoa and His Ex Mack Bonet’s Daughter Zoë Kravitz Had a Telling Instagram Substitute
Source: Filipino Journal Articles

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