What’s Going On with the Queen?

poundbury, dorset october 27 queen elizabeth ii tours queen mother square on october 27, 2016 in poundbury, dorset photo by samir husseinwireimage

Samir Hussein Getty Images

It’s business as usual today at Windsor Castle, BAZAAR. com has learned.

A senior royal spokesperson says that, despite still experiencing some cold-like symptoms from COVID-19, Queen Elizabeth is continuing with her work from home.

Last night, an inaccurate report falsely claimed that the monarch had passed on amid her coronavirus battle, hours after Buckingham Palace confirmed she was experiencing only “mild” symptoms and continuing with “light duties. ”

The palace has not addressed the allegation; instead, it tweeted a BBC teaser concerning the queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebration weekend, which will be held in 100 days, in June, as a celebration of the 95-year-old British monarch’s 70 years on the throne.

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The duke and duchess of Cambridge also held back from giving an answer to the report; in fact , Duchess Kate looked poised and radiant as ever both yesterday and today, while in Denmark on a two-day fact-finding visit for her Centre for Early Childhood.

If the queen had indeed passed on, Kate would have returned home immediately from Denmark, wearing black, as is royal custom. Instead, she was seen laughing and smiling today with fellow senior royal Crown Princess Mary, with whom she enjoyed a private lunch and later visited the Danner Crisis Centre in Copenhagen.

Buckingham Palace confirmed to BAZAAR on February 20 that the queen, who is fully vaccinated, had tested positive for COVID-19 and was experiencing some symptoms, but was receiving medical attention and would “continue light duties at Windsor over the coming week. ”

The news came days after she was in contact with son Prince Charles and his wife, Duchess Camilla , who both tested positive for the virus soon after their visit. Other royal family members based at Windsor Castle have also tested positive, a royal spokesperson said.

Charles is now out of isolation and continuing with his royal duties, and today, he even paid a trip to Hereford Cathedral, Town & Country reported.

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What’s Going On with the Queen?
Source: Filipino Journal Articles

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